Thanks to our sustaining supporter, Kostanski Funeral Home, whose ongoing generous donations in honor of the families they serve go toward growing, planting and caring for public trees. Learn more.

Thanks also to Greenfield Cooperative Bank for their 2024 donation to support the planting of trees on Conway Street.

Thanks to all who made our fall 2024 tree planting on James Street a great success! We planted eighteen trees - mostly native shade trees. What a difference the trees already make in the neighborhood!

Take Our New Crossroads Tree Tour!
What a phenomenal turnout we had for the kickoff of our Crossroads Tree Tour! Over 50 people joined us on the tour, learning about the trees on the tour.
Don't worry if you missed the event! You can still take the tour using this link. Take the tour from the comfort of your home - or head to downtown Greenfield and find the first tree on the Greenfield Common. From there, follow the orange icons on the map to navigate the rest of the tour.


From neighborhood street trees to parks and the community center, Greenfield Tree Committee had their most successful tree planting year to date, planting nearly 100 trees in 2023.
Community involvement was key, including a great showing of youth volunteers at our event at the Green River Swimming Area and and equally great showing of neighbors at our Pierce/Davis Streets neighborhood tree planting.
One of the greatest challenges we face is making sure newly planted trees get regular watering. We have made it a policy to seek agreements with residents for them to water any trees planted on their tree belt or front yard. This has greatly increased community involvement and improved tree health.
Join us in 2025 and help us plant more trees!
It takes a community to plant and care for our public trees.

Greenfield DPW and Greenfield Tree Committee collaborated to make this grant a big success. In all, just over 700 trees were planted along sidewalks, in public spaces and in front yards between 2019 and 2023. And volunteers put in over 4,150 hours to plant, water and care for trees! Here are a few summary findings from the five-year grant:

Check out Trees of Highland Park walking tour!
Take a walking - or virtual - tour of diverse trees located in the 29-acre Highland Park, located off of Highland Avenue and Parkway. This approximately 1-mile loop is relatively easy, but wear sturdy shoes for some rocky terrain. To navigate, follow the numbered icons on the map and the corresponding signs on the trees. Please park in the gravel parking area near Highland Pond if arriving by car, and look for the first tour sign at the head of the trail to the left of the Highland Park portrait sign.
Take the tour - you'll be delighted you did.
Ever wonder what our community tree planting events entail? Watch our 2021 neighborhood tree planting video!
Greenfield Public Trees: Taking Stock and Planting
for Our Future
--- Presented May 26, 2021 ---
Do you love trees? Do you ever wonder what kind of trees are growing along Greenfield streets, how many there are or what condition they are in? Have you wondered about all the new trees being planted around Greenfield?
Greenfield Tree Committee answers these questions and more in this presentation, sharing findings of their 2020 public tree inventory, tree planting challenges and success stories. Hear about Greenfield’s current tree planting efforts and ideas about how you can join their tree planting movement to plant 1,000 trees by 2025 -- to add shade, beauty and habitat, and to combat climate change in our community.
Presented by Greenfield Tree Committee and co-hosted by Greening Greenfield

Looking for a way to make a difference in your community? Why not join the Greenfield Tree Committee?
We welcome all kinds of members....tree lovers...dirt diggers...website creators... naturalists and more.
Interested? Click on the contact tab above and send us a message to let us know you are interested!