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publications & resources

2020 Greenfield Tree Inventory Report and Action Plan


Greenfield Tree Committee inventoried public street trees in the City this past summer and fall. Read the findings of the inventory and learn about all the exciting ideas we are planning for the next five years!


Rooted In Greenfield: Take a walking tour of public trees 


Take a walking or virtual tour of special and diverse trees located around Davis, Birch, Chapman and Pierce Streets. Learn about trees that were saved from being cut down and that continue to thrive along our streets. And learn about efforts to plant new trees. Enjoy!



Read the FRCOG's 2016 report on Greenfield's public street trees


Public street trees in Greenfield were the focus of a recent project managed by the Franklin Regional Council of Governments and funded by the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation.



Explore City of Greenfield Tree Ordinance


The revised Greenfield Tree Ordinance was passed in May of 2016 after undergoing extensive revisions and review by Greenfield Department of Planning, Greenfield DPW, Greenfield Tree Warden and Greenfield Tree Committee.


Read the FRCOG's 2014 Tree Inventory Report


Public trees were inventoried by the Franklin Regional Council of Governments and the findings are detailed in this report.


See the 2014 Greenfield Tree Inventory infographic


This infographic summarizes the primary findings of a 2014 tree inventory, conducted by the FRCOG.



Learn about Greening Greenfield


If you live in Greenfield, you've probably heard about Greening Greenfield and all the great work they do for the ecological health of our environment and residents. Visit their website which is filled with great resources.



in the news

Read MA DCR's Citizen Forester Newsletter here

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Tree planting to focus on Davis, Pierce streets

Read the May 5, 2023 Recorder article about our annual neighborhood tree planting event!

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Committee aims to reverse tree loss trend in Greenfield

Read the Recorder article about May 2021 talk on public trees and our tree planting movement​​ and view a recording of the talk

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Volunteers pitch in at Elm Terrace neighborhood tree planting

View Janet Masucci's video documentation of our 2021 tree planting event at Elm Terrace

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Committee to host Arbor Day and tree planting event

Read our press release about the 2021 Arbor Day celebration

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The pleasure and value of our street trees

Read the Recorder column Between the Rows and learn about our October 2020 neighborhood tree planting at Lunt Field

Updated 2024 by Mary Chicoine Greenfield Tree Committee. Created with


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